

Treasure Chest

Possible Drops

armor of commander+18 boots of emperor+18 gloves of cherubim+18 helmet of royalguard+18 pants of cherubim+18 pants of commander+18 cape of cherubim+18 armor of cherubim+18 pants of crusader+18 gloves of commander+18 limitemp wand+18 shield of emperor+18 mammoth axe+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 chinkai's sword+18 cape of emperor+18 boots of royalguard+18 helmet of crusader+18 gloves of royalguard+18 boots of crusader+18 siegfried's nothung+18 scarover clot+18 armor of emperor+18 cape of commander+18 shield of commander+18 bango's axe+18 triblade+18 boots of cherubim+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 helmet of cherubim+18 cape of crusader+18 shield of crusader+18 tului's mace+18 chillined wand+18 gloves of crusade+18 kutuku's wand+18 cape of royalguard+18 shield of royalguard+18 boots of commander+18 mopear+18 aaron's rod+18 shield of cherubim+18 juchi's spike+18 armor of royalguard+18 indigover lump+18 pants of royalguard+18 helmet of commander+18 odin's gungnir+18 pants of emperor+18 armor of crusader+18 gloves of emperor+18 secense pata+18 gigantight+18 helmet of emperor+18 owl eye staff+18 jamukha's axe+18 flasun manople+18 pants of xuthus+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 chinkai's sword+18 armor of maackii+18 gloves of ulupi+18 shield of nymphalis+18 helmet of nymphalis+18 siegfried's nothung+18 scarover clot+18 cape of xuthus+18 boots of ulupi+18 boots of schrenckii+18 boots of nymphalis+18 shield of ulupi+18 bango's axe+18 armor of ulupi+18 triblade+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 pants of schrenckii+18 armor of xuthus+18 armor of schrenckii+18 shield of maackii+18 tului's mace+18 chillined wand+18 shield of schrenckii+18 boots of maackii+18 kutuku's wand+18 pants of maackii+18 armor of nymphalis+18 pants of ulupi+18 gloves of maackii+18 mopear+18 aaron's rod+18 helmet of maackii+18 boots of xuthus+18 glvoes of xuthus+18 juchi's spike+18 indigover lump+18 gloves of nymphalis+18 odin's gungnir+18 cape of schrenckii+18 secense pata+18 gigantight+18 owl eye staff+18 jamukha's axe+18 cape of nymphalis+18 flasun manople+18 shield of xuthus+18 glvoes of schrenckii+18 helmet of xuthus+18 pants of nymphalis+18 cape of maackii+18 helmet of ulupi+18 cape of ulupi+18 limitemp wand+18 mammoth axe+18 helmet of schrenckii+18 chimbai's bow+18 helmet of seraph+18 shield of dominion+18 brazen serpent+18 bango's axe+18 helmet of virtua+18 cape of principality+18 helmet of throne+18 shield of throne+18 triblade+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 glewarmth bow+18 cape of virtua+18 tului's mace+18 chillined wand+18 gloves of virtua+18 kutuku's wand+18 gloves of dominion+18 armor of principality+18 mopear+18 shield of virtua+18 aaron's rod+18 helmet of principality+18 cape of seraph+18 juchi's spike+18 indigover lump+18 odin's gungnir+18 armor of seraph+18 secense pata+18 boots of virtua+18 gigantight+18 owl eye staff+18 cape of throne+18 boots of dominion+18 jamukha's axe+18 pants of principality+18 flasun manople+18 gloves of seraph+18 armor of virtua+18 pants of seraph+18 pants of virtua+18 gloves of principality+18 armor of dominion+18 boots of seraph+18 shield of principality+18 boots of principality+18 cape of dominion+18 pants of throne+18 limitemp wand+18 helmet of dominion+18 mammoth axe+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 chinkai's sword+18 shield of seraph+18 pants of dominion+18 gloves of throne+18 armor of throne+18 jumong's bpw+18 siegfried's nothung+18 boots of throne+18 scarover clot+18 glona bow+18 limitemp wand+18 mammoth axe+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 chinkai's sword+18 cape of soulbreak+18 siegfried's nothung+18 shield of stinger+18 scarover clot+18 gloves of soulbreak+18 turban of shelter+18 robe of stinger+18 pants of soulbreak+18 gloves of ether+18 bango's axe+18 cape of ether+18 boots of shelter+18 boots of nova+18 triblade+18 robe of shelter+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 shield of shelter+18 boots of ether+18 gloves of nova+18 turban of soulbreak+18 robe of nova+18 tului's mace+18 chillined wand+18 kutuku's wand+18 cape of nova+18 robe of ether+18 mopear+18 gloves of shelter+18 aaron's rod+18 boots of stinger+18 shield of nova+18 cape of shelter+18 juchi's spike+18 shield of soulbreak+18 turban of stinger+18 indigover lump+18 odin's gungnir+18 secense pata+18 gigantight+18 gloves of stinger+18 pants of nova+18 owl eye staff+18 jamukha's axe+18 pants of stinger+18 flasun manople+18 pants of shelter+18 robe of soulbreak+18 cape of stinger+18 turban of ether+18 pants of ether+18 boots of soulbreak+18 turban of nova+18 shield of ether+18 siegfried's nothung+18 scarover clot+18 mask of peak+18 gloves of shade+18 pants of shade+18 boots of thorny rose+18 bango's axe+18 mask of jade+18 mask of shade+18 tunic of peak+18 gloves of thorny rose+18 mask of thorny rose+18 scarf of jade+18 triblade+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 boots of peak+18 tunic of thorny rose+18 tunic of shade+18 ojaser's dagger+18 tului's mace+18 chillined wand+18 kutuku's wand+18 white wolf fang+18 solar eclipsed dagger+18 pants of sun flame+18 mopear+18 gloves of peak+18 tunic of jade+18 aaron's rod+18 mask of sun flame+18 boots of jade+18 gloves of sun flame+18 juchi's spike+18 pants of thorny rose+18 pants of peak+18 indigover lump+18 chaghatai's dagger+18 scarf of peak+18 gloves of jade+18 odin's gungnir+18 secense pata+18 gigantight+18 boots of sun flame+18 owl eye staff+18 jamukha's axe+18 flasun manople+18 tunic of sun flame+18 scarf of thorny rose+18 scarf of sun flame+18 moon eclipsed dagger+18 pants of jade+18 scarf of shade+18 limitemp wand+18 mammoth axe+18 boots of shade+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 chinkai's sword+18 odin's gungnir+18 secense pata+18 gigantight+18 helmet of star+18 owl eye staff+18 jamukha's axe+18 shield of priest+18 flasun manople+18 boots of priest+18 helmet of lord+18 pants of lord+18 helmet of wisdom+18 gauntlets of wisdom+18 cape of lord+18 cape of star+18 pants of star+18 limitemp wand+18 mammoth axe+18 armor of priest+18 thor's mjolnir+18 spear+18 deak blunt+18 armor of lord+18 chinkai's sword+18 helmet of priest+18 pants of will+18 boots of wisdom+18 armor of wisdom+18 siegfried's nothung+18 scarover clot+18 gauntlets of lord+18 bango's axe+18 cape of will+18 armor of will+18 triblade+18 spiked turtleshell+18 hawks talon+18 pants of wisdom+18 helmet of will+18 shield of lord+18 cape of wisdom+18 cape of priest+18 tului's mace+18 boots of star+18 chillined wand+18 kutuku's wand+18 gauntlets of priest+18 gauntlets of will+18 shield of wisdom+18 gauntlets of star+18 mopear+18 shield of will+18 aaron's rod+18 shield of star+18 armor of star+18 spear+15 cape of commander+15 cape of cherubim+15 odin's gungnir+15 boots of cherubim+15 armor of crusader+15 boots of commander+15 pants of emperor+15 siegfried's nothung+15 gigantight+15 helmet of royalguard+15 pants of commander+15 pants of crusader+15 armor of cherubim+15 indigover lump+15 armor of commander+15 triblade+15 shield of cherubim+15 armor of emperor+15 shield of crusader+15 shield of commander+15 flasun manople+15 limitemp wand+15 jamukha's axe+15 helmet of cherubim+15 armor of royalguard+15 cape of emperor+15 shield of emperor+15 spiked turtleshell+15 helmet of commander+15 boots of crusader+15 gloves of royalguard+15 cape of crusader+15 bango's axe+15 boots of emperor+15 tului's mace+15 mammoth axe+15 gloves of crusade+15 scarover clot+15 gloves of emperor+15 pants of cherubim+15 cape of royalguard+15 helmet of crusader+15 gloves of commander+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 aaron's rod+15 pants of royalguard+15 owl eye staff+15 boots of royalguard+15 secense pata+15 shield of royalguard+15 helmet of emperor+15 thor's mjolnir+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 mopear+15 gloves of cherubim+15 indigover lump+15 triblade+15 flasun manople+15 limitemp wand+15 boots of xuthus+15 armor of ulupi+15 jamukha's axe+15 cape of nymphalis+15 helmet of schrenckii+15 spiked turtleshell+15 glvoes of xuthus+15 boots of maackii+15 cape of schrenckii+15 armor of xuthus+15 pants of nymphalis+15 bango's axe+15 tului's mace+15 helmet of ulupi+15 mammoth axe+15 pants of xuthus+15 shield of maackii+15 scarover clot+15 gloves of ulupi+15 pants of ulupi+15 boots of ulupi+15 shield of schrenckii+15 boots of nymphalis+15 helmet of maackii+15 gloves of maackii+15 glvoes of schrenckii+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 aaron's rod+15 shield of nymphalis+15 cape of xuthus+15 armor of schrenckii+15 owl eye staff+15 gloves of nymphalis+15 secense pata+15 cape of ulupi+15 thor's mjolnir+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 helmet of xuthus+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 shield of ulupi+15 mopear+15 shield of xuthus+15 spear+15 helmet of nymphalis+15 odin's gungnir+15 pants of maackii+15 cape of maackii+15 siegfried's nothung+15 gigantight+15 pants of schrenckii+15 boots of schrenckii+15 armor of nymphalis+15 armor of maackii+15 armor of throne+15 spiked turtleshell+15 boots of principality+15 shield of seraph+15 pants of dominion+15 shield of throne+15 helmet of throne+15 bango's axe+15 tului's mace+15 mammoth axe+15 helmet of dominion+15 scarover clot+15 helmet of virtua+15 helmet of principality+15 cape of principality+15 shield of dominion+15 armor of seraph+15 pants of throne+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 aaron's rod+15 cape of throne+15 shield of principality+15 cape of dominion+15 pants of virtua+15 shield of virtua+15 gloves of virtua+15 armor of virtua+15 helmet of seraph+15 boots of dominion+15 owl eye staff+15 armor of principality+15 brazen serpent+15 secense pata+15 thor's mjolnir+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 mopear+15 pants of seraph+15 boots of virtua+15 jumong's bpw+15 boots of seraph+15 spear+15 odin's gungnir+15 gloves of seraph+15 cape of virtua+15 glona bow+15 gloves of principality+15 boots of throne+15 pants of principality+15 glewarmth bow+15 siegfried's nothung+15 gigantight+15 cape of seraph+15 gloves of throne+15 indigover lump+15 chimbai's bow+15 triblade+15 flasun manople+15 gloves of dominion+15 armor of dominion+15 limitemp wand+15 jamukha's axe+15 gloves of nova+15 boots of shelter+15 robe of stinger+15 indigover lump+15 shield of nova+15 cape of nova+15 gloves of soulbreak+15 cape of ether+15 triblade+15 gloves of stinger+15 flasun manople+15 limitemp wand+15 turban of soulbreak+15 turban of nova+15 jamukha's axe+15 pants of stinger+15 boots of stinger+15 cape of soulbreak+15 spiked turtleshell+15 pants of nova+15 boots of soulbreak+15 bango's axe+15 tului's mace+15 mammoth axe+15 pants of ether+15 scarover clot+15 boots of ether+15 gloves of ether+15 cape of stinger+15 robe of soulbreak+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 aaron's rod+15 turban of stinger+15 pants of soulbreak+15 turban of ether+15 shield of stinger+15 boots of nova+15 owl eye staff+15 shield of soulbreak+15 secense pata+15 cape of shelter+15 thor's mjolnir+15 robe of ether+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 turban of shelter+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 mopear+15 spear+15 robe of nova+15 odin's gungnir+15 gloves of shelter+15 shield of shelter+15 robe of shelter+15 shield of ether+15 siegfried's nothung+15 pants of shelter+15 gigantight+15 triblade+15 flasun manople+15 tunic of jade+15 limitemp wand+15 jamukha's axe+15 scarf of thorny rose+15 gloves of shade+15 moon eclipsed dagger+15 mask of thorny rose+15 pants of jade+15 boots of peak+15 spiked turtleshell+15 bango's axe+15 gloves of jade+15 white wolf fang+15 tului's mace+15 mammoth axe+15 mask of sun flame+15 scarover clot+15 mask of peak+15 pants of thorny rose+15 scarf of jade+15 pants of peak+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 aaron's rod+15 gloves of sun flame+15 tunic of shade+15 pants of sun flame+15 ojaser's dagger+15 owl eye staff+15 gloves of thorny rose+15 scarf of shade+15 secense pata+15 gloves of peak+15 thor's mjolnir+15 solar eclipsed dagger+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 scarf of sun flame+15 mopear+15 scarf of peak+15 mask of shade+15 spear+15 odin's gungnir+15 chaghatai's dagger+15 tunic of thorny rose+15 siegfried's nothung+15 boots of thorny rose+15 boots of jade+15 gigantight+15 mask of jade+15 tunic of peak+15 tunic of sun flame+15 boots of sun flame+15 boots of shade+15 indigover lump+15 pants of shade+15 owl eye staff+15 secense pata+15 pants of wisdom+15 helmet of will+15 boots of priest+15 thor's mjolnir+15 kutuku's wand+15 chillined wand+15 juchi's spike+15 hawks talon+15 mopear+15 shield of priest+15 spear+15 odin's gungnir+15 armor of lord+15 shield of will+15 gauntlets of wisdom+15 siegfried's nothung+15 gigantight+15 shield of lord+15 boots of star+15 helmet of lord+15 cape of will+15 indigover lump+15 triblade+15 boots of wisdom+15 armor of will+15 helmet of star+15 flasun manople+15 shield of wisdom+15 limitemp wand+15 jamukha's axe+15 pants of lord+15 gauntlets of lord+15 boots of will+15 pants of priest+15 helmet of wisdom+15 cape of lord+15 spiked turtleshell+15 gauntlets of will+15 bango's axe+15 tului's mace+15 mammoth axe+15 scarover clot+15 armor of priest+15 pants of star+15 cape of priest+15 armor of wisdom+15 boots of lord+15 chinkai's sword+15 deak blunt+15 gauntlets of star+15 aaron's rod+15 cape of star+15 gauntlets of priest+15 pants of will+15 shield of star+15 cape of wisdom+15 armor of star+15 helmet of commander+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 chinkai's sword+14 boots of commander+14 cape of emperor+14 pants of royalguard+14 siegfried's nothung+14 jamukha's axe+14 cape of commander+14 gloves of crusade+14 cape of crusader+14 boots of royalguard+14 armor of royalguard+14 armor of commander+14 juchi's spike+14 indigover lump+14 shield of crusader+14 armor of crusader+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 boots of cherubim+14 pants of commander+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 mopear+14 gloves of cherubim+14 boots of emperor+14 helmet of crusader+14 shield of cherubim+14 shield of royalguard+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 pants of crusader+14 helmet of emperor+14 cape of royalguard+14 tului's mace+14 thor's mjolnir+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 pants of emperor+14 gloves of commander+14 gloves of royalguard+14 cape of cherubim+14 helmet of cherubim+14 shield of emperor+14 pants of cherubim+14 helmet of royalguard+14 limitemp wand+14 armor of cherubim+14 shield of commander+14 boots of crusader+14 armor of emperor+14 flasun manople+14 gloves of emperor+14 hawks talon+14 odin's gungnir+14 spiked turtleshell+14 secense pata+14 mammoth axe+14 gloves of maackii+14 juchi's spike+14 indigover lump+14 pants of ulupi+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 cape of nymphalis+14 shield of ulupi+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 boots of nymphalis+14 mopear+14 helmet of xuthus+14 helmet of schrenckii+14 shield of xuthus+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 cape of schrenckii+14 shield of maackii+14 tului's mace+14 armor of nymphalis+14 thor's mjolnir+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 boots of ulupi+14 pants of nymphalis+14 shield of nymphalis+14 gloves of nymphalis+14 armor of xuthus+14 helmet of maackii+14 limitemp wand+14 boots of maackii+14 armor of schrenckii+14 cape of ulupi+14 pants of maackii+14 cape of xuthus+14 flasun manople+14 hawks talon+14 odin's gungnir+14 spiked turtleshell+14 secense pata+14 glvoes of xuthus+14 cape of maackii+14 mammoth axe+14 helmet of nymphalis+14 boots of xuthus+14 armor of ulupi+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 armor of maackii+14 chinkai's sword+14 boots of schrenckii+14 pants of xuthus+14 helmet of ulupi+14 glvoes of schrenckii+14 shield of schrenckii+14 siegfried's nothung+14 jamukha's axe+14 gloves of ulupi+14 pants of schrenckii+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 cape of principality+14 mopear+14 pants of throne+14 shield of principality+14 pants of virtua+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 cape of seraph+14 gloves of seraph+14 shield of seraph+14 tului's mace+14 thor's mjolnir+14 pants of seraph+14 boots of principality+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 armor of throne+14 armor of seraph+14 cape of dominion+14 gloves of throne+14 helmet of virtua+14 armor of principality+14 glewarmth bow+14 boots of virtua+14 helmet of throne+14 limitemp wand+14 pants of dominion+14 cape of throne+14 flasun manople+14 shield of throne+14 hawks talon+14 odin's gungnir+14 helmet of dominion+14 gloves of dominion+14 spiked turtleshell+14 secense pata+14 shield of virtua+14 cape of virtua+14 mammoth axe+14 armor of virtua+14 jumong's bpw+14 chimbai's bow+14 boots of throne+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 chinkai's sword+14 helmet of principality+14 glona bow+14 siegfried's nothung+14 jamukha's axe+14 boots of dominion+14 shield of dominion+14 armor of dominion+14 gloves of virtua+14 gloves of principality+14 boots of seraph+14 juchi's spike+14 helmet of seraph+14 indigover lump+14 brazen serpent+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 pants of principality+14 boots of ether+14 cape of ether+14 juchi's spike+14 robe of ether+14 cape of shelter+14 robe of shelter+14 indigover lump+14 robe of soulbreak+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 pants of stinger+14 pants of shelter+14 cape of nova+14 turban of nova+14 shield of stinger+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 gloves of shelter+14 mopear+14 robe of stinger+14 cape of stinger+14 gloves of soulbreak+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 cape of soulbreak+14 tului's mace+14 thor's mjolnir+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 shield of soulbreak+14 pants of soulbreak+14 gloves of stinger+14 boots of shelter+14 limitemp wand+14 robe of nova+14 shield of shelter+14 gloves of nova+14 turban of soulbreak+14 flasun manople+14 gloves of ether+14 hawks talon+14 pants of nova+14 boots of nova+14 odin's gungnir+14 spiked turtleshell+14 secense pata+14 boots of stinger+14 shield of ether+14 mammoth axe+14 turban of shelter+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 chinkai's sword+14 shield of nova+14 siegfried's nothung+14 turban of stinger+14 boots of soulbreak+14 jamukha's axe+14 pants of ether+14 turban of ether+14 scarf of sun flame+14 gloves of jade+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 scarf of jade+14 tunic of jade+14 boots of peak+14 mask of jade+14 ojaser's dagger+14 gloves of thorny rose+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 chaghatai's dagger+14 mopear+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 tului's mace+14 thor's mjolnir+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 tunic of shade+14 gloves of peak+14 pants of sun flame+14 limitemp wand+14 boots of jade+14 moon eclipsed dagger+14 scarf of thorny rose+14 pants of shade+14 flasun manople+14 gloves of shade+14 scarf of peak+14 tunic of sun flame+14 hawks talon+14 boots of shade+14 odin's gungnir+14 scarf of shade+14 spiked turtleshell+14 mask of sun flame+14 secense pata+14 mammoth axe+14 tunic of peak+14 mask of thorny rose+14 boots of sun flame+14 solar eclipsed dagger+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 chinkai's sword+14 gloves of sun flame+14 pants of jade+14 tunic of thorny rose+14 pants of thorny rose+14 siegfried's nothung+14 boots of thorny rose+14 jamukha's axe+14 white wolf fang+14 mask of peak+14 pants of peak+14 juchi's spike+14 mask of shade+14 indigover lump+14 helmet of priest+14 hawks talon+14 odin's gungnir+14 spiked turtleshell+14 secense pata+14 pants of will+14 pants of wisdom+14 cape of star+14 mammoth axe+14 cape of will+14 cape of lord+14 kutuku's wand+14 gigantight+14 chinkai's sword+14 gauntlets of will+14 boots of lord+14 shield of will+14 siegfried's nothung+14 boots of star+14 gauntlets of lord+14 jamukha's axe+14 pants of lord+14 boots of wisdom+14 helmet of star+14 gauntlets of priest+14 boots of will+14 shield of star+14 gauntlets of star+14 juchi's spike+14 indigover lump+14 armor of lord+14 cape of priest+14 deak blunt+14 aaron's rod+14 cape of wisdom+14 armor of priest+14 helmet of lord+14 spear+14 scarover clot+14 gauntlets of wisdom+14 helmet of will+14 helmet of wisdom+14 mopear+14 triblade+14 owl eye staff+14 armor of wisdom+14 tului's mace+14 thor's mjolnir+14 shield of priest+14 bango's axe+14 chillined wand+14 pants of priest+14 armor of star+14 boots of priest+14 limitemp wand+14 shield of lord+14 pants of star+14 a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key a chestnut revive4 item loose protection3 armor reinforcement(melee) 181 armor blessing(magic) 181 exp bonus 181 ki bonus 181 tanzanite gem peridot gem treasure chest treasure key