Bannable Actions |
Offense |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Start and/or spread false information about Khan or Khanatic Network Gaming |
15 days |
Permanent |
Imporsonation of Admins or Game Masters |
15 days |
Permanent |
Cursing and attacking the Admins or Game Masters |
Permanent |
Usage of 3rdparty programs other than Qmac |
Permanent |
Cheating (example but not limited to: SH, MH) |
Permanent |
Deliberately taking advantage of in game bugs |
Permanent |
Submitting false reports to Admins or Game Masters |
7 days |
15 days |
Permanent |
Arrogantly acting like you own the map and calling spot on an area |
1 day |
Interntional luring of monsters in Shangtu Arena |
7 day |
Intentional luring of monsters during Super KI, Chaos, and NoExp events |
7 days |
Blocking of any passageways |
1 day |
Harassing in Shangtu (Lure, Diffuse Pile, Trade, Duel, and Blocking) |
30 days |
Scamming of players in any way |
Permanent |
Hacking or stealing other players virtual and real money |
Permanent |
Blackmailing Admins or Game Moderators |
Permanent |
Guidelines |
All dropped items, be it intentional or accidental, are subject to free loot. Except for fame reward items. |
We are not liable for any loss as a result of selling of items and/or accounts for real money. Transact at your own risk. |
Do not share your account details to others. We will not be liable for any loss due to your negligence. |
We are not liable for any loss of items that happened due to player mistakes unless the mistake was caused by a server fault. |
Threatening to quit if your requests are not obliged is considered blackmail. |
We reserve the right to amend any of the rules and regulations without prior notice and should any dispute arise, KNG Official Team's decision is deemed final. |
Khanatic Software Corp 2012-2025. All rights reserved to Mirinae. External media belong to their respective owners.