


Bannable Actions Offense
1st 2nd 3rd
Start and/or spread false information about Khan or Khanatic Network Gaming 15 days Permanent
Imporsonation of Admins or Game Masters 15 days Permanent
Cursing and attacking the Admins or Game Masters Permanent
Usage of 3rdparty programs other than Qmac Permanent
Cheating (example but not limited to: SH, MH) Permanent
Deliberately taking advantage of in game bugs Permanent
Submitting false reports to Admins or Game Masters 7 days 15 days Permanent
Arrogantly acting like you own the map and calling spot on an area 1 day
Interntional luring of monsters in Shangtu Arena 7 day
Intentional luring of monsters during Super KI, Chaos, and NoExp events 7 days
Blocking of any passageways 1 day
Harassing in Shangtu (Lure, Diffuse Pile, Trade, Duel, and Blocking) 30 days
Scamming of players in any way Permanent
Hacking or stealing other players virtual and real money Permanent
Blackmailing Admins or Game Moderators Permanent
All dropped items, be it intentional or accidental, are subject to free loot. Except for fame reward items.
We are not liable for any loss as a result of selling of items and/or accounts for real money. Transact at your own risk.
Do not share your account details to others. We will not be liable for any loss due to your negligence.
We are not liable for any loss of items that happened due to player mistakes unless the mistake was caused by a server fault.
Threatening to quit if your requests are not obliged is considered blackmail.
We reserve the right to amend any of the rules and regulations without prior notice and should any dispute arise, KNG Official Team's decision is deemed final.