Treasure Chest Update
Hello Khanatics,
Today we have released the Treasure Chest where you can find new weapons, new skill books or equipments for your class.
You can loot one when Hangzhou or Altai is in Chaos or any time at Shangtu.
Just right click the Treasure Chest when you also have a Treasure Key inside your inventory.
Treasure Keys can be bought at the premium shop for 100 tugriks or you can exchange your 20,000 Shangtu Points for 1 Treasure Key. (just file a report to exchange)
Here are some of the possible drops:
- weapons lv100+ +10 +15 +18 +19
- armors lv100+ +10 +15 +18 +19
- exp bonus 181
- ki bonus 181
- revive4
- item loose protection3
- armor reinforcement(melee) 181
- armor blessing(magic) 181
- tanzanite gem
- peridot gem
- (another) treasure chest
- treasure key
- lv170 weapons
- lv180 weapons
- lv150 skill books
Happy Hunting!