


Aug 12, 2017

Hello Khanatics,


We just began our long maintenance for July. It will last 8 hours and the servers will be back at 8:00 AM Philippine Time.


Both Steam and Blaze servers are affected. The following changes will be implemented:

  • Removal of unused game items to prepare space for the new items.
  • 2nd batch of account restore.
  • Change +20 weapon aura color to red.
  • Remove quest LD1-A from the NPC list.
  • HP/MP Potion 10/10 will become 50/50.
  • Detect unique login to notify you or prevent hacking incidents. (steam style enter code)
  • Add public test server to test everything new like pets, mounts, mobs, npc, weapons, items, and armor sets.
  • Implement Game Guides on website.
  • Back-up of everything.

Thank you for your patience. This are all in-line with our vision to further improve Khan!


Blaze GM Team