

Cleaning of banned accounts

Nov 16, 2023

Dear Khanatics,


We hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing efforts to optimize the gaming experience and ensure a smooth environment within Khan, we wanted to inform you of a recent action taken.


We have conducted a comprehensive review and cleanup of our database, focusing on accounts that have been banned from 2 years ago and beyond. This process was initiated to free up valuable database space and to eliminate any bugged stats, characters, and items that might have been affecting the game's balance and performance.


We deeply appreciate your unwavering support for Khan throughout our incredible 8-years journey. Your dedication has been instrumental in shaping the game and its community. We want to express our gratitude for standing by us through thick and thin.


Moreover, we are excited to share that numerous updates are on the horizon! We, the KSC Team, are committed to enhancing your gaming experience with a series of new features, improvements, and exciting content. Stay tuned as we continue to evolve and grow together.


Thank you once again for being an integral part of the Khan community. Your passion and enthusiasm fuel our determination to make Khan an even better place to adventure and connect.


Best regards,

KSC Team