Month End Promo/Sale

Dec 01, 2023 - 11:22 PM CST



The following event sale/promo will be available only from November 25 until December 01, 2023

Donation Event:

1,500     -   Free
1 pc EMBER QUILL (sure +1 upgrade up to +15 only)
                  Free 1 pc Multi Attack Scroll
     -   Free 1 pc EMBER QUILL (sure +1 upgrade up to +18 only)
                  Free 1 pc Multi Attack Scrol
5,000     -   Free 1 pc EMBER QUILL (sure +1 upgrade up to +21only)
                  Free 1 pc Multi Attack Scroll 
10,000   -   Free 2 pcs EMBER QUILL (sure +1 upgrade up to +24 only)
                  Free 2 pcs Multi Attack Scroll 
15,000   -   Free 2 pcs EMBER QUILL (sure +1 upgrade up to +25 only)
                  Free 3 pcs Multi Attack Scroll  

Note: After the promo, any unclaimed Freebies will be forfeited. Free is per donation, not a total donation.

Premium Sale:

 *Less 50% on:

  • Main slot 3,4 & 5
  • Extra Slot
  • Rename

-KSC Team
